It’s Freddie Girl
Freddie Girl was my black cocker spaniel, a special bright spot in my life for 14 and a half years, and I miss her dearly. Being named Freddie, everyone automatically thought she was a boy, but since she had such a pretty, delicate face, we soon started calling her Freddie Girl. She was sweet, playful, and very “go with the flow”. She was more than just a pet, she was an extension of me. A wonderful little furry creature that seemed like she could read my mind….and I her’s. I started drawing her on greeting cards, and later began a comic strip called It’s Freddie Girl! Over the years her cartoon look has changed a bit, but you can view the early years of the cartoon strip on a blog I did… You can stop by here for future updates on where to find more Freddie Girl. The real Freddie Girl may be gone…but her spirit will continue on with greeting cards and other merchandise to put a smile in your heart.